The other day I was standing at a table sorting seeds, vaguely aware of the cat playing around my feet, when she suddenly grabs me by the ankle, I shake her off and put my foot down again – on a dead bird. Oh joy. There are feathers floating everywhere!
The bird population around here has a difficult time maintaining numbers, so it’s VERY annoying when the cats catch birds (their job is actually to catch the mice & voles, which eat my seeds before they can germinate, and to control snakes). There are plenty of natural predators, and a good number of hunters who kill birds for sport, so it’s always sad to be disposing of another feathered corpse.
This issue raises a dilemma: should one put seed and food out for the birds when it’s winter? Bird-food would attract the birds to a known location, the cats would lie in wait, and it would simply act as a trap for cats to catch more birds. Bird-seed scattered about would also attract more mice. And chasing the mice come the snakes... To feed? or not to feed?
This issue raises a dilemma: should one put seed and food out for the birds when it’s winter? Bird-food would attract the birds to a known location, the cats would lie in wait, and it would simply act as a trap for cats to catch more birds. Bird-seed scattered about would also attract more mice. And chasing the mice come the snakes... To feed? or not to feed?
The two cats, Mica & Silica, work hard most of the day, hunting and fishing - except for when it rains, when they lounge about waiting for it to stop. We bring them in at dusk for their own protection from the night-predators in the forest who kill cats (we’ve already lost two to the wilderness). Thus we strive to maintain natural equilibrium..
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