Sunday 25 March 2012

Daisy chains

The sun has started to bring out the daisies in the fields and meadows, and after weeks and weeks of snow it has been a real pleasure to see the spring grass growing again.  The warm weather has brought everyone out into the sunshine.  The other day while marking out fencing and tree-planting positions in the top field, a group of very small children came onto the meadow, with their Grandma.  Grandma came over to see what we were doing, and to tell us how we ought to be doing it, and the children all told me who they were and all about their brothers and sisters.  After a while we picked daisies, and I showed them how to make a daisy chain - Grandma was amazed -"Oh! so you know how to do that - do they have daisies where you come from?" we all shared daisy chain stories, how you can make earrings, and bracelets, and coronets for your hair... and how everyone makes them everywhere.

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