Sunday, 10 June 2012

Planting a forest

We've been planting trees for the past month or so... planting into unresponsive solid ground is heavy, slow work, and dragging water to them every couple of days is also slow, heavy work.  But it's so exciting!! We're planting a mixed forest garden, creating a varied mix of species around the perimeter of the property: lots of prickly things to discourage browsing by grazing (Pyracantha, Hippophae, Berberis), nitrogen-fixing plants to nourish the soil, (Eleagnus, Acacia), fruit trees (Almond, Pomegranate, Plum), firewood trees, forest trees, and loads of natives (Native to Turkey).
As well as the trees, we're also planting bushes to fill in the spaces in between, and together we're expecting them to give the field a rich hedge-row enclosure: to encourage bees, birds and other wildlife, without compromising the spaciousness of the property: The area being planted is 450 metres long, and about 3 metres wide.  150 trees & 450 shrubs.
They're going to need watering for the rest of this year (next rains are 4 months away), but after that will be on their own.  The planting mix is designed so that taller growing trees provide shade to smaller plants, which in turn shelter the base of the taller trees and keep the ground cool.  Mulching our young forest trees will be next winter's task.

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