Friday, 16 November 2012

Warming the Cabin

Preparations for the winter are moving on... 6 tons of firewood are chopped and stacked to dry, and a new drain has been laid the length of the driveway, to catch the rain and take it out and down the hill, instead of the previous arrangement, which brought the rainwater through the building.

What we hope will make the most difference, though, is the new jacket that we've put onto the cabin - turning another wall into a warm wall instead of a cold wall.  We took off all the cladding. filled the walls with 10cm of insulating material (the full thickness of the wall), added the jacket (a further 3cm which should also have the benefit of stopping the wind whistling through) and replaced the cladding.  Although it would have been even better to install a total of 20cm of insulation, the structural restraints made that impossible, and 13 cm is what we've got - with 13cm of insulation we'll  be considerably warmer than before!


We've also re-hung the black fleece blanket/curtains on all the windows, and will add a second insulating lining to each of the curtains

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